Features in C# 7 - Pattern matching

Hello Readers, In This blog post I have explained about two new features introduced with C# 7.0. (Along with other features like Tuples,local functions,ref return and ref local,throw expression, Deconstruction,Literal improvements,Generalized Async return types,More expression bodied members).
  •   Pattern Matching
  •   Out variable ( with enhancement) 
Pattern Matching

Patterns are already exists in the programming world.But C# has introduced for the first time in it's latest version 7.0( as of VS 2017).

C# 7.0 version allows us to use a pattern in existing "is" statement and with "switch" statement and allows us to compare whether value has certain type or not. We can match pattern with any data type including custom type.Pattern matching allows us to confirm what the object is of type and then hold it into a variable if it was the type we were expecting, is met.
Patterns can be

Constant Pattern which test the input value with constant expression.

                            if (o is null) return; // constant pattern "null" 
var pattern where input value will be assigned to primitive type based on the value.
if (o is var x) Console.WriteLine($"it's a var
                                pattern with the type {x?.GetType()?.Name}"); 
type pattern where it checks whether input has a certain type.
                             if (!(o is string s)) return; // type pattern "string s" 
                              Console.WriteLine(new string('*', s));
Note: Here we need to understand that "is" is not same as "==" operator 

                                string salFromConsole= "20000";
                                decimal salFromDatabase = 500000.00;
                                object salVal = ageFromDatabase;
                                if (salVal is decimal salary) || (salVal is string salText && decimal.TryParse(salText, out salary)))
                                 Console.WriteLine($"Your salary is { salary}.");
                                 Console.WriteLine("salary is not known.");
Pattern with Switch Statement
In C# 7.0 Patterns are added to switch statement to enhance the usage of switch.
  • we can switch on to any type (not just primitive types, as with previous versions)
  • Patterns can also be used in case clauses
  • Case clauses can have additional checking on them
                                            case Circle c:
                                                WriteLine($"circle with radius {c.Radius}");
                                            case Rectangle s when (s.Length == s.Height):
                                                WriteLine($"{s.Length} x {s.Height} square");
                                            case Rectangle r:
                                                WriteLine($"{r.Length} x {r.Height} rectangle");
                                            case null:
                                                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(shape));
Out variables
Before C# 7.0 version, we used out variables  where the variable is  declared  first before using it.
But in C# 7.0 we can declare the out variable at the place where it is passed to the method as shown in the below example.
            public void getName(out string fullname) 
                  fullname = "syed khaleel";
            getName(out string fullname); // declared inline 
            Console.WriteLine($"{fullname}"); // variable fullname is accessible here 
Here we need to remember that, the variables are in scope of the nearest closing block.

A common use of out variables is the Try... pattern.
where the return value indicates success/failure , and out parameters holds the results obtained:

                            if (int.TryParse(s, out var x))
few points to note while using pattern with switch.
  1. The null clause at the end is not unreachable
  2. The order of case clauses now matters
  3. The default clause is always evaluated last

Evolution of C# in a picture...


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